Working out a repayment plan for your borrowing
It’s crucial to work out the total cost of the credit you’re taking out, including interest payments, and not just the amount you’re borrowing or how much you can afford to pa...
It’s crucial to work out the total cost of the credit you’re taking out, including interest payments, and not just the amount you’re borrowing or how much you can afford to pa...
If you think you want to borrow some money, be sure you can afford any new monthly repayments on top of your current outgoings. Knowing exactly what money is coming in and going out each month will he...
Before applying for a mortgage, you need to think about more than just whether you can afford the monthly repayments. Mortgage providers will look at your income and outgoings to see if you can keep u...
Most of us will need to borrow money at some point in our lives, whether it’s for a student loan, a car, or to pay for a first home. Find out about the range of borrowing products available and expl...
Before accepting you for a loan or credit card, providers need to assess your level of risk. We take a look at what information banks and building societies consider when checking your financi...
If you need to borrow money, it’s important to understand how much the different options cost, how they work and whether you can afford the repayments. Look at these examples of three common types o...
If you need to borrow money to buy a new car or to pay for home improvements, it’s essential to identify the cheapest credit option and repay the loan as quickly as you can. Generally, this means fi...
Some credit cards and loans can come with higher fees than other forms of borrowing. Here’s what to watch out for and what to do if you think you’ve been charged unfairly. ...
Before you borrow money, it’s worth knowing the difference between good debt and bad debt. Some things are worth going into debt for, others can leave you in a big financial mess. Here’s how to te...
Before you sign up for a credit card, bank loan or store card, or add to an existing card or loan it makes sense to think about whether you really need to borrow money. At times like this – with eco...
When borrowing money, don’t simply look for a loan with the lowest monthly repayment. Before you sign up, make sure you know the total cost of repaying the debt. ...
Many couples take out a joint debt or loan. As a couple, you might be able to borrow more money. But it’s a serious step because each of you could be asked to repay the full debt if ...
A secured loan is money you borrow that is secured against an asset you own, usually your home. The interest rates tend to be cheaper than with unsecured loans, but it can be a much riskier option...
It can be tempting to ask friends or relatives to lend you money. But you need to think carefully about whether you can afford to repay it and can cope with what might happen if you can’t....
Buying household items, like cookers, televisions and freezers, can be very expensive, particularly if you have to buy an emergency replacement. This is why it’s tempting to buy through companies al...
Payday lender Wonga has gone into administration. But what does this mean for you if you are an existing customer, claiming compensation, or were thinking about taking out a payday loan?...