If you need to borrow money and are thinking of getting a payday loan, stop to consider your options. Although easy to set up, a payday loan can quickly turn into a problem debt for many people. It can also affect your credit rating if you don’t pay it back on time.
Borrowing to pay for everyday essentials
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A payday loan is almost certainly not the answer if you need the money to:
- Pay household bills,
- Rent or a mortgage, or
- To pay back people you owe money to.
If you’re struggling to pay for the essentials, speak to a debt adviser.
They can help you work out a budget, prioritise your debts, talk to everyone you owe money to and help set up a repayment plan.
There are lots of organisations that can help with free, confidential debt advice.
There’s no need to spend money paying a debt management company to help you sort out your money worries.
Money for non-essential spending
Payday loan companies might advertise payday loans for things like nights out, new clothes or other treats.
But if you do this, you’ll end up paying much more than if you waited and saved the money to pay for them.
And if you just can’t wait, there are usually far cheaper ways to borrow.
To find out where your money goes each month:
- Use our Budget planner
- Keep a spending diary
- Use our Quick cash finder to see where you can make savings
Other ways of borrowing
Ask for a pay advance
If you need money before payday, it’s always worth asking your employer if they’ll give you an advance on your wages.
If you’re claiming benefits and waiting for your first payment, or if your money is late you can ask your Jobcentre Plus adviser for a short-term advance.
Normally you’ll need to pay this back out of your benefit payments.
Borrowing from family and friends
Borrowing emergency money from a family member or a friend can help you avoid the risks that go with payday loans.
But do make sure that both you and the person you’re borrowing from take the time to:
- Put your agreement in writing
- Work out a budget and a repayment plan
- Discuss what will happen if you’re late paying it back or don’t repay it at all
Using a credit card
If you’ve got a credit card, you could consider using it for purchases - or even cash withdrawals, but only if you really have to, as they can be expensive.
Make sure you pay back as much as you can each month, to keep costs down, and don’t be tempted to spend more than you can comfortably afford to repay.
If your credit card application has been turned down
There are credit cards especially for people with a poor credit rating, for example because of previous defaults or County Court Judgments (CCJs).
They charge a much higher rate of interest than other cards but so long as you repay all or most of the balance each month they will still be cheaper than a payday loan.
Not sure you can pay off the balance each month?
If you don’t manage to repay the balance on your card each month, it’s still likely to be far cheaper than a payday loan - but try to pay off as much as you can.
Using an authorised overdraft
If you have a current account you might be able to get an authorised overdraft from your bank.
These can be fairly expensive (although there are some interest-free overdrafts) but it will usually be cheaper than using a payday loan - as long as you stay within the overdraft limit.
Don’t be tempted to slip into an unauthorised overdraft as this can be very expensive and lead to serious money problems.
Borrowing from a credit union
A much more affordable alternative to a payday loan is a loan from a credit union.
There’s a cap on the amount of interest they can charge – 3% a month or 42.6% a year APR for England, Scotland and Wales, 1% a month or 26.8% APR for Northern Ireland.
An interest-free loan from the Social Fund
If you desperately need to borrow money and you’re claiming benefits, you might be able to apply for an interest-free Budgeting Loan from the Social Fund.
Help from your local welfare assistance scheme
If you’re struggling to pay for essentials like food, heating and clothes you might be able to get help from a local welfare assistance scheme.
They vary from area to area and can provide, for example, vouchers, pre-payment cards, furniture or white goods and food banks.
Some local authorities might also give loans:
- If you live in England, find your local welfare assistance team using this interactive map on the Children’s Society website
- If you live in Scotland, find out more about the Scottish Welfare Fund on the Scottish Government website
- If you live in Wales, find out about the Discretionary Assistance Fund for Wales
- If you live in Northern Ireland you might be eligible for Finance Support. Find out more on the nidirect website
This article is provided by the Money Advice Service.