Find out how to manage your money and think about finances when going through divorce. The calculator also includes details on where to seek professional help should you need it.
Using the Divorce and money calculator
If you’re thinking about getting divorced or dissolving a civil partnership, this calculator can give you an idea of your financial situation before a potential divorce settlement. It will also help you work out what you have, what you owe and how you might split assets and finances.
Important information about the Divorce and money calculator
What you need to know to complete the Divorce and money calculator:
- The value of any properties and assets you own.
- What you still need to pay off on your mortgage.
- Any outstanding debts you have (credit cards, loans…).
- This spreadsheet is in line with the Money Advice Service terms and conditions, and doesn’t replace professional advice.
- Your visit is anonymous and your information is confidential. No personal details are collected.
- You can use exact or approximate figures and do not have to enter a partner’s details. If you put in approximate figures, you will get a rough idea of your financial situation and potential divorce settlement.
- Terms and conditions
This article is provided by the Money Advice Service.